Conservative Principles

The term "conservatism" is derived from the Latin "conservare" (meaning to "protect" or "preserve").  Conservatism arose in response to the Progressive challenge in the early 20th century and became the modern conservative movement in the post-World War II era.  Conservatism is not a clear cut philosophy or defined by a set of policies but rather a set of beliefs and principles.  According to the Heritage Foundation, conservatism is rooted in the following principles:

“Conservatism holds that these principles—proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence and promulgated by the United States Constitution—define us as a country and inspire us as a people.”  Conservatives believe the role of government should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals.  Therefore, conservative principles emphasize empowerment of the individual to solve problems.

Biblical Principles

ThoughtStarter will not take any doctrinal stand promoting one Christian denomination over another.  We are focused on promoting the fundamental elements of a  Biblical Worldview” (i.e. belief in God, the importance and accuracy of the Bible and the authenticity of Jesus).   A Biblical Worldview has been interwoven into American thought and society since our country’s inception and has brought great prosperity and goodwill to the U.S.  Honesty, integrity, kindness, charity, work ethic, etc. are all products of a Biblical Worldview.  Sadly, many would argue that this type of worldview is quickly diminishing from our culture.  In addition, research shows that upon college graduation roughly 70% of young people are "walking away from church."

ThoughtStarter believes that America’s problems cannot be solved by simply passing more laws.  The founding fathers believed that democracy was “fragile” and required a morally strong people.  Since it’s beginning, America’s Judeo/Christian heritage has undergirded a philosophy and code of ethics producing a mostly moral and strong people.